Altered Images



Here's a picture of me and the little woman that was taken up in Gatlinburg, TN at one of those old
tyme photo shops. I've doctored it up abit using Ulead's Photo Express 2. Pretty cool uh?



This is a picture of my Father in-law that I used Arcsoft's Photo Fantasy 2.0 to create.


This picture started out as a simple sunset but after playing with it in MicroGrafx Picture Publisher
it turned into a pretty cool background. I just wish that I would have had a better digital camera (the
picture was taken at 320x240).

Here is an old picture of me and my wife that we had taken in one of those picture booth's at the mall.
I scanned it in at 300dpi and used one of the backgrounds that came in Photo Express to add a little
life to the picture. It turned into a great 5x7 for my office and the wording "It was in the stars!"
is correct our relationship was made in heaven.


While on vacation in Destin, FL I took this picture of the ocean. I then used Photo Express to enhance
the ocean's color and the sky. I then inserted a transparent bubble in the middle. Look's pretty cool